Assistance Coordination Performance Reporting System - Log In

If you cannot login and had an account in the prior ACPRS system you can request help from the ACPRS Help Desk:
smetzger@alutiiq.comy .
You would need to provide your agency / company affiliation, phone number, and your original username from the previous system. Also provide any older email account that might be on file.
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Unauthorized access is a violation of U.S. law and Department of State policy, and may result in criminal or administrative penalties. Users shall not access other user's or system files without proper authority. Absence of access controls IS NOT authorization for access! DOS information systems and related equipment are intended for communication, transmission, processing and storage of U.S. Government information. These systems and equipment are subject to monitoring by law enforcement and authorized Department officials. Monitoring may result in the acquisition, recording, and analysis of all data being communicated, transmitted, processed or stored in this system by law enforcement and authorized Department officials. Use of this system constitutes consent to such monitoring.

For assistance or to request an ACPRS login, contact the ACPRS Helpdesk: